Were You Injured In A Left-Turn Collision?
Every year, the Los Angeles area sees more than 25,000 accidents in which one vehicle is struck by another in a left-turn collision. Over 200 of these are fatal. Most, however, result in injuries that are not life-threatening, but nevertheless are life-altering.
I, Jeff Pheffer, of Santa Monica’s Pheffer Law represent injured parties in a number of these serious left-turn accidents every year. In each case it is necessary to reconstruct what happened at the moment of impact: which car was where, and to what degree carelessness or negligence was a factor.
Taking A Strategic Approach To Your Left-Turn Accident Claim
Left-turn accidents are more complicated than other accidents. It must be determined who had the right of way, what speed the vehicles were traveling at, whether the light (if there was a light) was red or green, and whether either driver was engaged in inappropriate or reckless behavior at the time of the accident, such as drinking, eating or texting.
If you have been in an intersection accident in which someone was injured, you know that insurance companies are not sentimental about wrongful death, catastrophic injuries, or the serious soft tissue injuries that are common in these kinds of crashes. If they could pay you nothing for your pains, that’s fine with them.
Jeff Pheffer knows how to get reluctant insurance companies to write checks for the maximum amount of compensation for your injury. He knows the region, he knows the insurance companies and their lawyers, he knows California law and he knows how your accident occurred, and who was at fault.
Choose The Right Attorney For Your Case
Look to an experienced left-turn accident lawyer like myself when you suffer this or any kind of serious highway injury. Call [Pheffer Law at 310-909-7801 or email me a brief description of your accident.